Children’s Health Fund Responds to Apalachee High School Shooting

Children’s Health Fund mourns the loss of the students and teachers who tragically died during a mass shooting at Apalachee High School. We stand with the survivors, families, and community members whose lives will forever be changed by this senseless act of gun violence.

In a country where gun violence is the number one cause of death amongst children and youth, national leaders must act now to pass meaningful policy change, including common sense gun laws and increased access to comprehensive, trauma-informed mental health resources, to ensure our children’s safety and support their mental health. We must end gun violence now so that children can be safe at school, at home, and throughout their communities.

The impact of gun violence echoes loudly—inflicting trauma on victims, survivors, and community members. And talking about trauma with children and youth can be difficult. For parents and educators seeking guidance on how to approach these sensitive conversations with care, please explore our Healthy and Ready to Learn resources on trauma here:

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