Children's Health Fund 2024 Conference

Integrative Care: A 21st Century Model for Marginalized Children

Conference Materials

Thank you for attending the Children’s Health Fund 2024 Conference! Below, you will find session materials, presentations, and resources which presenters have made available for download. Please feel free to share these resources with your colleagues and communities to help advance our collective work in ensuring Healthcare for Every Child.

Digital Inclusion as a Social Driver of Health

Jennifer Pruitt, Vice President, Innovation and Technology, CHF

Aurelia Jones-Taylor, MBA, CEO, Aaron E. Henry Community Health Services Center

Healthy and Ready to learn

Angie Vega, Assistant Director, Healthy and Ready to Learn, CHF

Angelika Gutierrez, MPH, Senior Manager, Research and Evaluation, CHF

ModeratorKathy Sinnett, MSN, APRN, Consultant, CHF

HealthySteps: An Integrative Developmental Model

Rahil D. Briggs, PsyD, National Director, HealthySteps; Clinical Professor, Pediatrics & Psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Elizabeth Frenette, MPH, Senior Policy Analyst, HealthySteps

Pamela Winkler Tew, LSW, Manager of Sustainability, HealthySteps

Integrative Care: Current and Future Policy

Natalia Chalmers, DDS, MHSc, PhD, Chief Dental Officer, Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administration

Melinda Clark, MD, Albany Medical Health System, Department of Pediatrics Oral Health
Oral Health and Vaccines

Adam Hodges DDS, Dental Director, Idaho Children’s Health Project

Emily Harris, MPH, LPN, Director of Community Health, Southern Arizona Children’s Health Project

Power of Play

Robin Grossman, Executive Director, Playworks New York/New Jersey

Basheer Smith, Program Director, Playworks New York/New Jersey

Project DNA

Dante Howell, Co-founder and Executive Director, Project DNA, Inc.

Lisbeth Guzman, MS, Co-founder, Project DNA, Inc.

Responding to the Child Mental Health Crisis: The Teletherapy Advantage

Cari T. Whitlock, PsyD, LCP, HSP, Director of Psychology, HYM

Michelle Floyd Rebollo, MD, FAAP, FAIHM, Florida Medical Director, HYM

Strategic Planning and Effective Communication in Healthcare: Enhancing Workplace Joy

Kemi Alli, MD, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Allied Executive Solutions

Elona Deprez, MA, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Allied Executive Solutions
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