How You Can Help
Other Ways to Get Involved
Tribute Gifts
If you would like to honor or memorialize someone through a contribution to Children’s Health Fund, we can help. We will send an acknowledgement letter to the person or family you wish to honor, letting them know you have made a contribution.
- A memorial donation is a great way to commemorate a loved one who has passed away. When making this type of gift, online or by mail, please specify the name of the person being memorialized, the amount of the gift, and the name and address of the person to be notified of the gift other than yourself.
- A tribute gift or gift to honor someone is a special way to recognize a person, significant accomplishment, or commemorate a special occasion like a wedding, birthday, or holiday. When making this type of gift, online or by mail, please specify the amount of the gift, and the honoree’s name and address so that we can notify them that a gift has been made in their honor.
- After making either a memorial donation or tribute gift, you will receive an acknowledgment letter with the tax-deductible information for your contribution.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising
Peer-to-peer fundraising lets you raise money on behalf of Children’s Health Fund in your own way. It’s easy!
Host a Salon Event, Living Room Social, or Backyard Barbeque
Small, intimate gatherings are ideal ways to inform others about the work of Children’s Health Fund and how their support can help.
- It’s simple – pick a date, invite a few friends, and ask them to each invite someone. Ten is the ideal number of guests but remember, you may have to invite more to get that many to the party! Let them know that you are hosting a gathering so they can get to know CHF, an organization you feel strongly about.
- Understanding the issues, need, and context, as well as learning what CHF does, is critical to getting people interested in becoming a donor or supporter.
- Set a goal for the event: friend-raiser or fundraiser. Be specific. If it is a friend-raiser, are you inviting the right people in the community? If it is a fundraiser, set a monetary goal and make sure you as the host are willing to start the ball rolling with your financial commitment, including paying for the party.
Children’s Health Fund is happy to help with informational materials and any questions you have. For more information email
Matching Gifts
Do you work for a company that matches your charitable gift? Do they match your volunteer hours? Matching gifts allow you to increase the amount of your donation with your employer’s help. If your company matches volunteer hours, they can help you make a monetary donation in addition to your time. Turn your talent into treasure!
Ways to Give
Every donation funds crucial programs that help pediatric patients nationwide.
Send a check to:
Children’s Health Fund
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 630
New York, NY 10015
Or call and someone will take your information over the phone: 212-452-3340
As a monthly donor, you are investing in health and emotional well-being of pediatric patients and their families.
To make a gift of stock or as a wire transfer, please contact and be ready to provide the following information:
- Donor name and address
- Type of gift
- Amount of gift or the number of shares and
- the name of the security being gifted.
This information enables us to track the transaction and properly receipt your gift.